CNC Manufacturing Certification Course

- Ravi Katukam

A prolific inventor and passionate engineer, Ravi brings with himself 13 years of experience in the R&D and innovation arenas. He has worked extensively in the nuclear, aerospace and defence, oil and gas, and aviation (both government and corporate) domains.

Ravi has worked with Atomic Energy Regulatory Board Mumbai, Cyient Limited Hyderabad, Motivitylabs Hyderabad in various leadership roles. As an engineer & scientist and a business leader, Ravi has developed first-of-their-kind methods, algorithms and products across various engineering disciplines.

Ravi is a well-known innovation guru and universal mentor for young engineers from premier India institutions. His solution approaches have, time and again, been appreciated in national as well as international open innovation challenges for addressing global problems. He is one among the few innovation professionals in India who specialize in problem identification and problem definition for IP creation. An active evangelist for nation building through IP creation, Ravi has been associated with national as well as international advisory scientific and engineering committees.

Ravi has been the recipient of numerous awards / rewards for his par excellence scholastic achievements namely the Chief Minister’s Andhra Pradesh Gold Medal in 1997, the Institution of Engineers Award in 1999, the AERB Fellowship in 2005, and the ANSYS Best Paper award in 2013. He has also been a finalist in the CII Innovation Awards 2014, the HYSEA Awards 2015, the Altair Best Poster Award in 2015, and the Best Paper award in 2015 from Warse. Additionally, Ravi has been a speaker at national and international forums on engineering innovation and leadership and has published 70 papers in national and international conferences and journals. He also has multiple patents to his credit. He has written a book on One India-N Zeros.

Ravi holds an M.Tech Degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai and a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical from Osmania University, Diploma in Automobile Engineering Masabtank polytechnic.

Course Structure

  1. Introduction to CNC machining
    1. Significance of CNC Machining
    2. Advantages of CNC Machining
    3. Current state of technology
  2. Applications of CNC
    1. Automobile
    2. Aerospace
    3. Manufacturing
    4. Military
  3. History of CNC machining
  4. Types of CNC Machines and processes
    1. Milling
    2. Turning
    3. Drilling
  5. Operating Principles of CNC Machines
    1. Precision and accuracy
  6. Components of CNC Machines
    1. Mechanical Components
      1. Linear motion system
      2. Work piece holders
      3. Tool holders
      4. Cooling and waste material removal system
      5. Automatic Tool changing system
    2. Electrical and electronic Components
      1. Drive motor
      2. Stepper motors
      3. Position feedback system
      4. End stops
      5. Motor drivers
      6. Control Board
      7. Control Panel
    3. Software Components
      1. Machine control software
      2. CNC code generation Software
  7. CNC Machine Tooling
    1. Tooling for CNC Lathes
      1. Tool Inserts
      2. Drill Bits
      3. Reamers
      4. Taps
    2. Tooling for CNC Milling Machines
      1. End mill cutters
      2. Face milling cutters
      3. Drill bits
      4. Gear cutters
  8. CNC Programming
    1. Programming Format
    2. G codes
    3. M Codes
    4. Programming
    5. CNC Part Program generation from CAD Model
    6. Simulation of CNC Code
    7. Fanuc Compatible Programming
  9. CNC Machining Process
    1. Programming
    2. Tool Indexing
    3. Work-piece fixing
    4. Using Control Panel
    5. Feeding CNC Code to Machine
  10. Activities
  11. Conclusion

The course is of 7 weeks, With 3 Hour Classes on friday's and saturday's.

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